Thursday, November 8, 2007

Real Madrid Birthday Invitation

Recent photos ........

E. anthonyi Large Terrarium (140x125x70)

present in the water supply will be sold preferably the tadpoles. By the waterfall, a constant water circulation.

E. anthonyi Set in a film canister + guarding males.

females in a coconut.

Large terrarium my Ph. bicolor (120x110x70)

Links Ph. bicolor about 1 1 / 2 years old, 9 year-old right !!!!!!! bicolor male. (Yes faecal samples and swabs are not finding)

D. tinctorius "Brazilians"

approach bean beetle on black eyed beans

Monday, February 26, 2007

Soapy Taste Indigestion

Once again a new photo ........

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wives Who Wear Short Skirts And Nylon Stockings

First pictures from my second area terrarium and some of its residents.

terrarium 140 x 125 x 70 cm, has a little more overgrown, T8 tubes are not replaced by T5. System with rain, left with waterfall, expanded clay drainage layer, many orchids, some bromeliads.

upper neck area

lower neck area

1.0 Dendrobates tinctorius "Brazilian" (Dyer frog)

0,0,1 Dendrobates tinctorius "Brazilian" (Dyer frog)

0.1 Dendrobates tinctorius "Brazilian" (Dyer frog)

0.1 Hyla savignyi (small Asian tree frog)
My two
Ranitomeya ventrimaculata ( belly spots tree climber) would still not be photographed.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Butalbital Narcartic?

time new images from the "Great"

E. anthonyi tadpoles in bromeliads funnel