Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How To Remove Icicle Roof New Ways

Ori's - Training Day

After I just did not think that was on Saturday, I guess it was Gaff, I spent Sunday at home, in my new home.
where I talked with various residents and taught the Koreans my name.
Since they could not speak my name right, but always Ori said, instead of Oli.
But their names are also not the easiest name as Anyes, Rieko, ... Then I looked
me in 3 films that I did not know and had received many other films from a German friend.
Dark City, Fight Club, and Postal, which I felt was not worth all 3 and they would arrange in order from bad to worse.
On Sunday I was about 18 clock in the hostel where I slept one more round in Hannes bed until the others have 1 hour later by Bondi Beach came back .. Shortly
called me and Mikey, the man from the carwash and asked me to come by on Tuesday to work and if I still like, "I agreed that offer course immediately.
chillten then we still together and I was forced by Josh and Tom go again with the gaff.
When I was 3 clock back, I found peace and Shila, which apparently could not sleep and both still looked Prison Break.
Then we went slowly to look at 5 Clock South Park, for it was now a very special day.

Thus came the day South Park (Marcel PS where is your internet),
which we looked at the course all day while I was up to 11 clock some more sleep because I was dead tired.
We dare not continue to really away than the halfway covered backyard because it was very rainy and but partly in front of our hostel and two corrugated iron roofing, which was certainly a big-2sqm rushed down from heaven.
I think only Tom and Alyson were daring enough to go with others to Darling Harbour to see how drunk everyone.
In the evening we went for me back in my apartment.

On Tuesday, I was then 6 to clock to see that it was still raining and no improvement in sight.
6:30 clock came so the SMS that I should come Wednesday. Yes
passed so for me the day.

think Hannah was stood up very early, as he is now the role as a cleaning man in the hostel was allowed to take over and may be zealous early swing the broom.

was Sunday and Wednesday at last time 6 clock rang the alarm clock and perfect two minutes before work 7:25 Clock I was in the Carwash.
Once again I was shown everything.
came after the first customers that their cars are concerned only with us, contact details and laundry daliesen desire and then work up to 18 clock went.

While I welcomed some customers and always washed the cars passed, of course, some small mistakes, so that you forgot to clean the metal frame inside, etc. However, I did this after 3 Car then everything correctly.
When I was finished with about 18 clock work, said Mikey me that my training day is over now and he needed me again Thursday and Friday.
However, he must first ask the management if he can keep me longer.
Yes I have now washed nearly 10 hours long and 11 cars parked way, all possible types was there. From convertibles to
Mazda Honda SUV, which is more of a tank, even with increased since I came to the pitch barely half of the roof.
It is surprising that about 50% were of the cars from German manufacturers, including two Mercedes and a BMW, which has cost surely one or other of his € 250,000.

Yes I would have now earned just under $ 126 AU, if it had not been a day of practice for which Unfortunately, as I do not know in advance is unpaid. What
me on the way home was a bit unfortunate last but not least, I was cheated at McDonalds tough by 80 Cent and cashing it would not even believe me ...
Well in any case, my mood was better, but I then after a short visit home in the hostel came and we looked there, the new James Bond and then ate lasagna.
seen so far as a successful day, perhaps tomorrow's yes, then perfect.
are precisely the Mitt other residents in the living room on rumalbern, while in a German television film comes with English subtitles.

So that's again from me.


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