Saturday, February 28, 2009
Dyspnea And Menopause
Monday was again a relatively shitty. We were 7
clock at the customer, who then said to us, and he had only ordered for 10 clock. He also
had doubts about the capacity Izy's vice.
Sun Izy handed the job to a friend, who also went 2 loads and 7h needed, instead of thinking 4-5h.
We had to do nothing, only I distributed flyers, and Izy gained me then to make a sofa, which lasted 2 hours 30 minutes and I got paid. In the meantime
Izy has also purchased a new truck, which is 2x as big as the old. Then
It went further with flyers there were a total of about $ 90 AU.
the evening I had an email from an application in the entrance where I had once advertised in Landscaping (from 4-5 weeks), they now asked whether I would still have interest, nearly 2 weeks already asked whether the Carwash I still want to work a few weeks since.
Well in that case I would just say, the early bird catches the worm.
Tuesday, I was hand out flyers about noon and then I have spent the day with bum and found that the Inet is so lame, I can not patch my game.
Well I live now until the beginning of the first month without it.
Can not hurt.
Wednesday we made a move on from the 27th Floor in an apartment on the other side of the Harbour Bridge to the 2nd Floor.
the morning I finally got the motorcycle jacket, which it will match my degree and I wonder how they could fit Izy. It is perfectly
as stock (1x by Izy) and also looks good, now I need nurnoch a racing machine, maybe even many times a machine that says Repsol seen.
After 6 h was done the job well. Then it went
5 things from an apartment get so 2h.
We found that it was certain the 4 times the amount of large parts, and needed just under 4 hours for all the crap.
to get a truck, was just endless ...
open when the truck Izy was immediately apparent that a window was left of the cabinet while driving broken. When we cleared out
him then, Izy rammed his leg fully in the rest of the disc and groaned loudly.
I and my clients were totally shocked.
But he had nothing happens.
Nearly 30 seconds later he winked at me then at the end of the truck when I became aware also that this was fully intend to show not that it happened in transit, as this is very bad when you do things can not transport properly.
charges When we part with our Indian clients, we got to drink a little and a few fish fingers similar titbits with Sweet Chilli sauce.
There were also 20 clock for me again what to eat after my breakfast was 7 clock and I in between actually eaten almost nothing had but a few French fries and 2 slices of meat of a burger, which Izy still do not like to eat, but still the Burger with 3 slices of meat ordered because the rest is greater. Have
usually do not feel like eating in between me and my 10 AU $ too good, at least if one wants what ordinary.
Thursday it went for me out on wiedermal 5:20 clock in the morning.
Thanks Alex, I knew well, when my train is coming because my internet was too slow to load the pages I piloted him einwenig on the side and end he himself
I had already requested the day before, but just as I said it was sudden.
First it was the rest of the Indians in the storage (storage rooms for different things) to unload. This lasted for 2 hours again and then it went to our gay Aufftraggeber, for which we have already taken a different job and for how peace has already worked (peace remember maybe up to Allan Taylor, designer xD). For him, then we brought stuff in his apartment from his storage, it took 3 hours again. It was then just over 300 AU $ to hand distribute flyers for ..
I was against 15 clock home. So I grabbed
my jogging stuff and concerned my ticket for a concert at the Sydney Opera House, I do not even need 45 minutes for the 7.5 km and the purchase of tickets.
The concert is in about 2 weeks.
The card was very cheap but yet I sit relatively far back, but it costs only 32 AU $ forefront felt a bit too hard even with 90 AU $ because I would rather still go second
had Otherwise, I spent the evening at the computer and chilling, and "The Biggest Loser - Couples looked, this is about the 10 positive pairs (siblings, spouses, etc), being they are required very strong athletic, have severe tests do (4x 5kg Sand bags a 60m long sand dunes stretch to carry up and 6 times the weight is always elevated to believe 5kg per round, whoever wins gets a kind of bonus). At the end
thrown out the couple, what about the week decreased proportionally the least.
It is to be considered in any case, very amusing.
Furthermore, I'm looking forward to the film Watchman, what a true epic of the eye work must and Unborn, which is a horror film that I would one or both watch on Tuesday, perhaps. ^ ^
Friday was it 9 clock with Go ahead, we had to do 5 jobs, 1 sofa
1h unload.
After a couple of large and small moves.
Among others, a piano against the last one was shit, Izy said he transported Such a big thing every 3 years and wanted to get the other 2 men, we having but then to 2 made, even if under the 400kg as well Izy said the ramp is almost kicked the bucket.
The last was an excerpt of a gay man to clear out the apartment of his partner, where the police came shortly to all disputes.
We brought some of his property, any rancid gay, homeless, men over 40 homes.
Fortunately we needed only 20 minutes to get there to unload everything.
Then we brought the rest in storage in the case Izys house. About 1
clock in the morning and everything was done around 2:30 clock it was for me to bed.
5:30 clock we went back out of bed.
So all in all, working 16 hours and 3 hours sleep.
Today we only carry a washing machine and dryer.
Then we transported the furniture and objects of an Indonesian 25-30 year olds.
first to his storage and the remainder to his new accommodation.
Towards Izy and I joked around with strong subliminal gay remarks.
(This had all started that I did the night before, where I almost died of hunger 2 bananas have brought, had and had not eaten in about 1 minute.
Izy asked me then where is his banana and I said to him that he can have like a banana from me ... Then
started this whole back and forth.)
The Indonesians was also gay, which we had noticed, and therefore there were just funny.
was the end of the good so confused or excited by such a move funny that he Izy, almost $ 100 AU would have been too much, but Izy has his attention.
We then made a move for the manager of a magazine, for which Izy gets 1 years free advertising in the magazine.
We pulled him into a tower, from which we had already pulled out on Wednesday a Paarchen.
We had over done, but have up to 18 clock most part, we were then stopped by the police because Izy went again a one-way street in the wrong direction when the police was just in there and no license plates had, as are the new truck. So I sat
30 minutes comfortably in the back of the truck and held on down the TV because there were only 5 minutes ride and Izy could not be bothered to tighten properly and not wanted him to spoil.
Such was now 18 clock to make anymore because we use no longer able to lift, because all came from work and had to be as all elevators to be free. We
brought about little tricks about 6 clean the remaining 8 parts and ran the other 2 are out there for tomorrow. Then there was
3h make another move and so was my clock to 22 days ended today after 15h working.
Tomorrow we will continue from 9 clock with the last parts the penultimate jobs, which are still in the old apartment, we bring out from the feuding gay Paarchen the rest and do another job.
Yes and then the weekend is over.
the Mano went back quickly, I think the other 3 went quickly over the also because they are in Adelaide and look 24 / 7, nonstop, for work and have thus 0 time to write a blog but only time fix Facebook in a comment on Australian friends can, if at all.
Tomorrow I shall again be sure to earn $ 100 AU and then when I finally get to the bank, I will top up my account safe at 1000 AU $. Unfortunately
consumption I still ne camera and NEN new passport because the old one is lost somewhere.
did this I did not write it to my other blog, even though I left almost 1ne weeks time. Was perhaps just hot air, as you said just over 1 Series week, there's a blog soon. Hopefully
does not find work that way.
Nevertheless good luck and I must say, this is separate to the already the right decision, because in a big city, it is certainly difficult to clean NEN job to 4 to find.
Your Oli
PS girls see it sometimes from the side of the stars, bad news (scandals), are better than no news.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Eyetoy Driver Logitec
Friday was a normal Areitstag, with 3 jobs.
It was about 9am on Friday to do and I got $ 150 AU from the flyer delivery to the hand, as just over 150 AU $. AU $ 300 so to speak, so I also paid the same time, a 500 AU $ to my Australian account.
Schonmal sixth reached my goal.
belongings still 7 weeks. ^ ^
Yesterday we met for 10 clock.
2 minutes later, the first job has been canceled. 14
clock was the next job, which we could bring forward to 12 clock. We still talked
einwenig Izy and told me about his favorite cocktail, the "Cock Sucking Cowboy" because I did not know this, Izy took care of them is 2 and a cocktail called Quick Fuck that we are approved, probably noticed early 10th Clock.
He also told me that he had with other workers is always a drunk early times, once even 12, where he then collapsed during the job, fortunately, the move at that time without supervision, work because the client was.
Then there was a croissant, cost of course everything on Izys.
We also talked about the fact that he sometimes drove motorcycles and yes he is to have a cool jacket, which has cost about 500 times AU $.
But he no longer carries, so he wants to give me.
I'm really hot on it and just hope that this will really work. Because you know, talking
Izy much. Then it went
2h of the originator and then we moved him to 4 hours.
Izy has paid me $ 80 AU, because I would get 68, he wanted me 2 give AU $ for the train and miscalculated by 10 AU $. ^ ^
Then he still wanted to go to a Strippclub, I told him that since I have nothing against, but certainly not want to pay money to enter.
He said not a thing, he pays.
So we went into a clock against 17 Strippclub.
Since nothing was happening. He brought me a beer, was still $ 100 AU in a poker machine and lost everything.
^ ^ Then we went home.
The day had me pretty geschlaucht.
summer I went out first and then wanted to fix gamble Level 20 (I did so 1-3 Clock). However
were then so many people online that I wrote that I did not want to gamble anyway, and was totally happy, but after the fun but mediocre day, this was still such a great end. Today I made
nothing, but still went to the farewell party at the Globe for the English Tom.
So I'm back after 2 weeks auchmal been there.
The last 4 weeks, party and chill out, have in all my grad party pleasure, can disappear, so I had turned up no longer there and was too lazy to go to the gaff.
Well but that is sure to return.
Next week there will be sauviel work.
Izy is for profit as a target AU $ 5000, what I would be about 1000 AU $.
Well let's hope for the best. Yesterday I
else "behind the scenes" by Dieter Bohlen finished reading, quite a gossip book is very entertaining, especially if you've watched the first American Idol season.
Today I read the complete biography of Gina Wild, and I must say:
"140 brilliant pages of many highs and lows, admirable or interesting, I found the system of relations between her husband and you, what has saved a lot of problems and two has brought a lot of fun, even if under the age of 15 years fell apart, but it does schonmal's a long time. "
Furthermore, I have decided not to go to Ayers Rock.
In a lengthy conversation with Josh, I noticed that I was relatively blind to do Mezedhes there.
Because first, it does not cost so far and there rumzureißen $ 500 AU as I thought but $ 700 AU and I have also gone as 1000 AU $.
Josh asked me why I want to go and told me that it's just a stupid rock.
I thought about it shortly after and I must say that I was totally blind when it came. Because
first Is it just a stupid rock
second Is this stupid rock somewhere in nowhere
third no one would care for him, if not even these aborigines had rumgetanzt drum
4th I hate aborigines, because that simply are frankly stupid hillbilly.
5th I'm going just 4-5 days then bus only
6th Is there no safe Inet
7th Saving you time for other things I may or may not deserve what
8th If $ 1000 AU for a photo in front of Uluru, which is my only concern too much, so happy to give $ 10 AU for any photo from NEN but not 1000, but would certainly become of me 20 photos min before the thing, but no matter the same subject.
would be the only advantage to see the real outback times and to say I was there and proud to show the photo, but this is really worth $ 1000 AU?
Well, the next blog entry is safe then the other, except it happened in the next 2 days, something absolutely unique.
Furthermore, the information was with the pears seem somehow misunderstood the latest information that I have had, only that they are now in Adelaide and ride out there is nothing happens.
So rather not know what my source indicated.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Primary Games To Learn Ks1
Were really not much new is happening is just something that happened to me a very short blog entry value.
On Wednesday, the weather finally, finally, finally sunny again, so today, I went both days to distribute flyers.
There are then another 50 and 100 AU $ AU $ Izy which I already paid was Monday, but he has forgotten.
Well lucky hope it does not fall on him.
Tomorrow or rather today, it has again become relatively late gamble with, it's 6:45
clock going on with work. So I'll
ne me get some sleep.
What is the main reason for my spa support, however, is an erotic advertising which just at this time (0:30 clock, nothing special) came. Advertising
saw think of as any other.
But the text was interesting and made me look up from the screen.
"Watch this German stripper is going to show you her sauerkraut."
Yes, now I'm interested in the sauerkraut, but I did not feel well to invest only a penny for it.
Will probably allowed someone else to serve their sauerkraut.
I just ask by whom the sauerkraut in my fridge is ...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Pokemon Heart Gold Wap2
So I really thought I could close the Literary Club, but after I had finished Meteor and had no desire to English Harry Potter and Mein Kampf. I searched further and found.
"I, Gina Wild," but the download was not right.
why I took on something as exciting and slippery too. The second
Part of the web logs, after I was smitten from the first total and she had a deep impact on my youth, should the 2nd not be bad. By
my game, I only made it 180 pages of 320. But the book was, but after a mediocre start getting better, but tie is far from the first book (at least for now).
Saturday, I was raised as almost to work all day. I'm soon to 5:45 clock out of the house clean and dinner to 18 clock again. 9h
which were paid, because the return journeys from the customer Umzugsort not be accepted and we had to do 2 small other things.
It was to transport a small piano. You've no
believe how hard it can be part of that crap.
On Saturday evening, I looked even more fixed in the weather report and saw clouds and Rain through Wednesday. Thus, it would then be 11 days.
the evening it was still armed with an umbrella with Rieko, Jessy and Steve (Japanese, Korean and Scottish) to the Japanese Festival at Darling Harbour.
however, was that all things closed, so we went almost straight back.
On the way back we passed a sort of game hall.
Where such "blow-your-money-in-and-try-a-cuddly toy to grab--machines" are, as do some other little games, such as read Guitar Hero, video shooting games with guns, dance mats, etc.
I wide beat me to invest $ 2 AU to test the times, one wants to be a spoilsport, but actually I invest for so nen snot unwilling to 2 AU $.
Well in the end I had brought out nothing, it would have given the girls anyway, because it is stupid to me, with so nem grotesque stuffed animal move around.
The girls had to get hold of a kind "Bambi Thumper waste" (hare) and are skipped vice lord and were happy as 10 year old girl.
So I do not know at the moment I found this quite funny, but the more I think about it, the more it makes me afraid.
the evening was then nibbled on Valentinstagskram together.
somehow had all the Bewandnis to give themselves something, so I tried a candy called Moschi, from Japan, which candy's name had net worth, because the stuff was full just disgusting.
Who does ne layer of flour to gels?
The Japanese chocolate was much better for it.
I had, of course, Toblerone, and gave them a bit, I've nurnoch 1.2 kg piece of it so 3 of 6, the other 3 in the last 2.5 weeks, 80% disappeared in my stomach.
Sunday I stayed home and took me off my game.
went home then release the shit.
was not installed.
reinstalled, again nothing.
Mch in Warhammer forums well-read and then found that the game comes out with a faulty executable.
I'm still gleichmal then ne other executable concerned and as I had done this with 2-3 different, it was somehow.
was then update it first.
1.5 hours unsuccessfully looking for a quick Inetcafe with notebook connection. Then just under 4 hours
home pulled the 700MB patch against 20 clock could begin then.
The result was a sleep of 3 hours between 5:30 bis 8:30 clock clock.
I see here again clearly the addictive potential of a World of Warcraft. However, it was
Mondays every now and mandatory breaks and eating was not the gamble.
around 22:30 clock but I was totally flat and went to bed, it gave way again what German meal at the two days. Sauerkraut, frankfurters, sausage as a substitute and Potato.
the evening, there was still less sleep than expected, as I had until the next morning stomach problems which gave me time and again the feeling to throw up to have the same, but it is after numerous wake up and toast in the morning but not the case .
Yesterday I was busy with a 2h Moving from apartment to the garage, which is then continued, if the man has a new home. After that deal went
in the former Olympic Village Sydney (2000 Olympics) Flyer.
Finally an area without as tiny boxes, but with real comfort, delivery boy.
In the evening we went back to the gamble.
Today the weather again as heavy rain and foggy that I can not distribute flyers, but tomorrow is sunshine the day.
If it should raise in the afternoon, I go sure then, because I can go again tomorrow.
to my plans, I still do consencus, since Knipping asked and I had completely forgotten until he again reminded me the day before yesterday.
So I will certainly stay until mid-April in Sydney.
I've been on Uluru, Fraser Iceland, Whitsundays and Airlie Beach travel.
On 8 / 9 May it then goes to Bangkok.
meet where I am with my sister and we then travel through India, Cambodia, Vietnam and perhaps share at the end of Thailand.
goes to the entire 30-31. May, then it goes back to study for them and for me no later than 10 June back to beautiful Germany.
At least, that the plans are yet.
So and now to the heading, "What about?"
This is not only in image, RTL, Pro7, etc.
Today's Guest: Hannah Brückner
Friedrich Pawelka
and Tom Tydecks
After they're gone from just under 11 days in a vacuum, we are following our research on ears come.
In fact, we have researched not at all, it is flown to us from someone else, this person had received a text message from Allyson, everything else would be more than a miracle was.
As far as I have now heard the 3 of the bush fire fell victim and Allyson is now sitting in some desert and forcing water from cacti to survive.
No, to be honest I only know that the 4 should work in any of a pear farm.
not know whether it is 10km away from my front door, or 1,500 km.
As luck would have it, I had just bought this information 2h 2kg pears for 2 €.
So folks, if you are really involved because the bananas are expensive grad back from Cairns, I will once the bananas for EUR 1.35 Kg!
PS to the encrypted message, just the position the letter by 2 companies. Eg A = 02 / B = 04 / C = 06 was thus
drinne there I do not think the 3 are to report in the next 10 days time by calling me.
If yes then now 11 days.
PS Bin grad am superior to rename the blog in OLI on a dangerous mission in Australia (formerly Hoft). xD
Friday, February 13, 2009
Can I Put Money On My Biolife Card
It's Monday, the 1st January 2001. In the evening, black ice covers the Birch Avenue between Bergen and the United Gaddau, two small villages near Lüchow-Dannenberg, in Lower Saxony Wendland. Katrina Konert is at the bus stop "Bergen, New Street" on Heckenweg. Their black bomber jacket with the orange lining protects the fifteen-year-old from the cold. Most
Window of half-timbered houses opposite the bus shelter with corrugated iron roofs are dark. It is quiet, the snow absorbs all sound. Only a few cars drive past at walking speed. Katrin holds his thumb in the cold air. It is shortly after 19 clock. Located in United Gaddau, less than ten kilometers distance from the bus stop, her parents just after waking from a noisy New Year's Eve from her afternoon nap. The mobile phone of Nadine, a sister Katrin beeps, "Int. 18:30 to 19:00 z.Hse. Tell Mama & Papa decision. A text message - the last sign of life. Since this tag is missing from Katrina Konert each track.
How To Clean Fuzzy Inside Of Moccasins

Jenisa What happened? - Missing 8-year-old
on Friday afternoon about twelve clock is lost their trail: As the eight-year Jenisa Muja drove in the run-down Ihme complex in Hanover, working-class neighborhood Linden by elevator to the fifth floor to its aunt to visit. Since then, there is no sign of life from Jenisa.
on early Friday afternoon and again on Saturday, police combed a large contingent of helpers, the environment of long-range shopping center after the girl. "We have everything turned on its head" yesterday said a visibly perplexed police spokesman.
Jenisa is not a child that goes unnoticed. Her long black hair with the girl from a Sintifamilie proud to extend to the hip. The student was from the family home - hardly a kilometer away. A witness took her until the third floor and got out there, the girl drove up, but the aunt was not home, according to the investigation.
that children in age Jenisas tear briefly, occurs frequently. But if more than one night or perish, as in this case more than two days, then increasing the likelihood of a crime. That does not preclude the police in this case. Therefore, the officials around the Ihme complex now several hundred leaflets distributed - with the image of Jenisa and urgent appeal to potential witnesses to come forward.
The police will also share his the girl with light up again and again talk to the mother.
Fertpublished on 10 September 2007
Search: traces of the A-2 at Wunstorf Luthe
police find missing clothes from Jenisa
The girl's parents have identified the clothes. A crime is likely.
Jenisa (8) is very likely become victims of a crime. The police discovered yesterday on the highway 2 at Wunstorf-Lutheran Children's clothing and shoes. In the evening, the parents confirmed that this is the dress of her daughter. "It ensures that the possibility of a crime in the forefront," said the spokesman for the Hanover police, Lars Beringer. New searches the specially formed Special Commission "Jenisa" there should be no more in the evening.
the morning, a truck driver had alerted the Special Commission. The police moved in with sniffer dogs, cordoned off the area, blocked the exit Wunstorf-Luthe - and found Clothing sure. The suspicion that they might belong to the girl with the hip-length hair, turned out after a visit from the police on Jenisas family in Hannover-Linden. The distance from their house to the highway exit is over 15 kilometers, which can hardly be over the child alone and free will.
Jenisa is missing since Friday afternoon. She wanted to visit her aunt, who lives less than a mile away in Ihmezentrum. A witness walked into the house with her, but two floors below the apartment of the aunt went off again. Jenisa drove on, but not the aunt arrived. Another Witness came forward yesterday. You will have Jenisa on Friday afternoon, seen on a small funfair on the edge of the run-down giant shopping and residential complex. Other witnesses who have seen the child alone or in company, there is not.
Police raided on Friday and still more intensely on Saturday, the entire complex. Used here were not only helicopters, but also divers on a directly adjacent river. Nothing was found. On further searches, the Special Commission will decide today.
The family of the missing girl is from Kosovo. The mother lives with Jenisas four siblings in Hanover, the father, according to police "from foreigners for legal reasons" in North Rhine-Westphalia. First, the investigators had held a kidnapping of the girl to be possible. Meanwhile, the father Beringer However, according to Hanover and helps in the search. Also yesterday was Jenisas family has been further questioned.
Fert, dpapublished on 11 September 2007
Police Department Hanover
Updated 11/21/2010
are unfortunately left with only part of the online newspaper subscription
view here, I'm still part of Child Care, I find that sad that you apparently still wants to earn money to Jenisas fate!
also be fndet almost nothing to Jenisa
Their fate is still unknown!
In search operations looking!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Back Pain At Waist Above Hip
... as you might have noticed in the title of this journal is concerned with a deep cold in my heart.
It is quiet in Sydney seem to be the walls of the building is gray and the other without even reading any consolation to the boredom dar.
me sometimes I wish I would have parade, for now I sit here alone and know no further, because now everything seems monotonous.
That sounds sad but everything is relative, but maybe I'm the situation upon itself and therefore would not see in the blog Mittleisdskommentare ...
Of course all this shit just gequirrlte emotion. I
gorgeous are you, Wednesday, I've distributed flyers 4h and then went to the read it.
This is really where my daily routine for each day to read, work, sleep and eat from time to time something. Yes and I like it great.
Yes, many others would say now drink, eat, fuck was much better, but maybe that I'm not just get. Although for
Would this be an evening cool.
Thursday, the same game, read and follow for 1.5 hours work, unfortunately this time there was no food, but for AU $ 105, 55, Job Flyer and 50 AU $ as payment for work 3 hours. Today, I could
whenever I wanted, I really wanted to here between 11 und 12 clock clock going.
But somehow I was reading in wiedermal fever and it went off only 13 clock.
What was a mistake. Although I had the weather is not observed, but hardly arrived at the venue, a beach area of Sydney. It began to rain.
The rain is very light so I was only slightly wet after 2 hours rain. He
on and so it went then. started 10 minutes before the end of it then again shit to rain heavily, so I fix supplied nor the last 4 large houses with flyers and then fix got on the bus. I was soaking wet when I was still slightly damp before anyway. So it went on the 20 minute bus ride back to the apartment.
At home, there was first ne hot shower and warm clothes including long underwear at the prevention, so I do not get sick.
As soul consolation I donated me a warm cocoa and chocolate, and sat down immediately with a warm blanket full of happy guck finished to look founder frogs on the couch to on my laptop, which has made my friend the Ebay bidding agent Sun
I could not believe my eyes, I really just wanted something to have gamble and test the line here.
So I tried to download the Lord of the Rings Online 14 Day Trial somewhere.
But on Ebay I found Warhammer Online (OVP), which was still almost 4 hours when I left the apartment and was about 11 $ AU.
When I got home and looked in my emails, I had it won.
Congratulations you have won the auction. Now even know
fix the price and not even reached my tada extremely weak maximum bid of 40 AU $.
AU $ 31 it cost me the normal price is $ 80-90 AU and the provider lives even in Sydney.
Yes so I have if it works and what to gamble for the evenings. ^ ^ Thus
ne one investment that can bring me a lot of good times when the slow Inet running here. If not I sell it again.
course it is PAL, and thus not playable with the German servers seems to me, but oh well who cares.
Yes so I've just everything my heart desires. Tomorrow we get up early, must be 6 clock I left the house and then there are theoretically 10 hours work on Sunday again 8 hours or so on Izys plot, for which I have a 2nd chase up to German workers. Now I
could really use one of the others that would make it easy. But
have 3, so somewhere hiding in the bush.
I do not know at what they do so but there are only 5 logical conclusions would be possible, why there is no blog.
first They work 10 hours a day and sit in nem Scheißkaff without Inet Inet has or where the open, as long as they work.
second The Inet is extremely expensive as where they are and no one has money.
third You have forgotten how to read and write all.
4th They were abducted by aliens.
5th You played stupid Australian farmer and catch from bushfires can what damn shit would weil. .. I then had to identify with a lot of work and such. But I doubt it very much.
It is honestly really pretty cool, since Sunday, no real sun was shining and more clouds are everywhere. Although there are at least 18 - 20 ° C but if the last few days about 35 to 40 ° C had, since comparatively really cold. Have the heating
even searched here, but there are none.
The wind noise in high winds on the 28th Stock, make the whole no better.
was the first to read it again from me, I'll just the last 70 pages of Meteor (626 pages), which is way better than Angels and go to bed.
for Max and all who were otherwise busy resolved later.
26 02 48 / 06 / 40 02 14 10 / 42 18 28 08 / 42 06 16 30 28/44 30 36 04 10 18 / /
Is There A Product To Fix Torn Leather

| |
first name: Denise | |
Date of birth: 26/10/2000 | |
Missing since: | Wednesday 09/01/2004 | the
physical description at the time of the disappearance | |
Age: 4 years | |
| |
size: 80 cm | |
Weight: about 16 | |
hair kg: | long smooth light brown hair, tied at the time of the disappearances with hair clips to 2 short tails |
Eye color: brown | |
Clothing: | The time of her disappearance she was wearing orange shorts and a green t-shirt. |
Other: | At the time of disappearance under the left eye had a scar on his left cheek. you can specify their name and address. |
Since the 4 09/01/2004-year-old Denise Pipitone missing.
you disappeared without a trace, as they before the house of her
grandparents in Mazara del Vallo / Trapani, Sicily, Italy was playing.
On 18.10.2004, a child was seen in Milan, the great
resemblance to the missing Pipitone had.
This child was in the company of a woman in the ROMA
and an approximately 10-12 years old Roma boy.
Final clarification of this advice was not possible.
All information on the website
shown .
More photographs are available there.
What are indications of the stay of the child from?
information please contact
BKA Wiesbaden
Tel 0611/55 - 13 101 Fax
. 0611/55 - 12 890
or any other police department
Monday, February 9, 2009
Can't Play Undf On Mac
Hi, So after I am indeed now for 3 1 / 2 days all alone here, as the 3 others and Allyson would now gonna wind somewhere in the burning Victoria, I have discovered a new hobby for me. Anyone who knows me well
need this line does not read 2x you have read the first time correctly.
on reading, this is my new hobby.
On Saturday, I still end the day and evening, pure read briefly in wetlands (this book is full of start, it was my taste, it was about Exkrimente and other nasty things about which I was able to laugh more heartily, Hannes, it also reads at the time, this was also the crucial point that I recalled that I have this Book wanted to read for some time) and a simple game with Marcel einwenig gambled on Inet.
Sunday we went out at about 9 clock, as every day. First I played a round of Hitman and executed a few people, and I neuanfing so often in places that I almost had a crisis and I then waiter even able to help at Mission 4 because I had somehow forgotten the mission statement to read and I not just kill everyone wanted to kill as you so well is to be as little as possible, which is also the reason some situations to repeat 20x. ^ ^
then went on to read it. For this I went to the Hyde Park as the sun shone and I was comfortable there, after I had gambled all the time at home and read.
After almost 2 hours my battery was empty so I then used my phone to read on, because it is more pleasant, because it can hold like a book.
Oh before you wonder.
No I do not have the books here in compressed form.
Somehow that's not me far less than Ebook been doing this a lot more fun.
The last book I had read was way too lazy to read Harry Potter 7 on English as it appeared at that time is, well believe her 1 year.
Yes I had now finished on the evening of that book.
So I dedicated myself to like a new book, the biography of Bush, I also simply called Bushidographie.
The book I have just terminated.
I was never a fan of his and have him actually even despised einwenig for his gangsta rap.
But I must say the book has shown me new sides of him, and in some character traits I've also clearly seen again, although his handling of violence, etc. I still find objectionable. So I had
even purely voluntary one in a few songs where the text was printed.
So I wanted to also pull the latest album but somehow extract it gave problems and 3x ... So Peter
are now my hopes in you, want you to send songs bit by bit. The first song is awesome schonmal. ^ ^
yesterday after a good 12 hours reading marathon I even got a call from Izy.
He said to me, and he would like me to increase my salary to 17 AU $. I was totally perplexed
and asked him how does it happen and he just said that I am a good worker and would have deserved it. $
so there is now always 17 AU and the hour to eat in any fast food shop free NEM what and drink.
After that conversation went jogging there and then eventually to bed.
So I have read in the last 2 days just under 650 pages.
I'm pretty sure that I am sure some adults now envy, as I had been told by my Mum often that she has no time to read and it would be luxury to them so.
Both books have me really interested and usually highly amused.
I have to see just what I am now ahead take next, now that I when I had downloaded the ebooks, I immediately got into a download-delusion, and so also still the same every 4 Dan Brown have downloaded books (The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons. ..), like all Harry Potter books in English and Mein Kampf.
But I guess I'm reading right now on Dan Brown's Meteor, as this is the only book by Dan Brown, which I do not know.
Otherwise there is nothing new since yesterday, it was quite rainy here, so today we had done two parades. Would have come almost too late, I somehow the place had increased and where very different was when I Izy phoned 10 minutes before meeting time, I did then go fix the metro and went at the right point which 6 stops back was and then met with yet another 5 minutes of actual time and 10 minutes before beginning a work.
Izy seemed at first by text message rather sour, but then again five minutes when I sat with him in the truck, was the world back in order.
Tomorrow we distribute flyers and thank god there then to Sunday work.
Since this text is so detailed wiedermal, I'm sure at the end of the week on my future plans, and why the other 3 I'll probably see each other again only in Germany.
on Mon mal ne end encrypted message, or I'm always the one. xD
not think further about it. ^ ^
18 06 16/46 02 36 40 10 / 42 28 08 / 38 10 16 10/46 18 10/24 02 28 14 10 / 10 38 / 08 02 42 10 36 40 / 04 18 38 / 08 18 10 / 02 28 08 10 36 10 28/26 18 06 16 / 02 28 36 42 12 10 28 / / / 26 10 18 28/40 18 32 32 / 10 / 40 02 14 10 / / /
Friday, February 6, 2009
Reports On 2001 Ski Doo Tundra
So now the day has come, the best have separated, the others have now left Sydney for an hour and make now to 4 to be on the road towards Melbourne / Adelaide to work in these regions and adventure.
And I was on Thursday and Friday to work as peace continues to protect his foot and would have little time to prepare everything and got back from 2 apartments and acknowledged. The
now at peace vacant time he also used and has done all the things on the car. Making a Saftycheck let the Rego prolonged, complete the insurance, and even the car is a unit concerned, which sends the data from our car at the toll booth, so we collect no significant fines if we have already gone through a toll booth and was noticed or if we should do this again. We had
provide einwenig done because we are a long long time 2x crossed the Harbour Bridge without somewhere to pay tolls, because we did not know. So we are on the safe side.
from my work site is to say that it is always interesting to see what you move for people on Thursday it was the home of a 50 year old men, who had had a stroke, I conclude that he moves very slowly and sometimes a little gross motor and has talked very softly and sometimes a little confused. On Friday we were
then a 40 year old nerd, so a PC freak, who had a World of Warcraft and Starcraft board game that plays WoW, Lord of the Rings painted figures, etc.
On Friday evening, then, was the farewell dinner where we in the back yard chillten, while Tom and Allyson at Luna Park were, what is a kind of theme park.
However, they were unfortunately a bit late there, that would not it worthwhile to pay money for various rides. The other
the last 2 days have used effectively to me, getting a couple of job offers. Today I had only once seen one in a email application, which sounded very good, it was about to pack eggs, ph for $ 18 AU and there seems to 10h a day.
After I had to work today but not as planned, I was about 12 clock in the hostel and watched the others pack up the chills and einwenig.
After a nearly 20-minute farewell, in which I was taking care of our car, since it again stood in the street start it was going well then.
I read yet fix take to Hyde park and then we made a few farewell photos that are here are also directly with other images of peace, which he did in the last 3 days with his German, repaired phone.
There are also pictures again.
So in that sense, I wish the other "Good Luck" and "Have Fun" and I will soon give the Games of "English Tom," so I have something to do with what, if you're not there.
But tonight, still goes to the Playboy party Gaff missing, but then 3 and a Playboy Playmate, I'm still thinking whether I am going because I did not really really like it, but something I'll do yet, and if it's just jogging. So people
skin so pure and let it at least 1x a week in the blog to hear from you.
I'm going to start then surely miss some time in 1-2 weeks.
Did you love my Schatzis.
: -*
These are the pictures of the last days and of course, again a typical song that is being played on the radio constantly.
skin clean girls, see you again probably only in Germany.
^ ^;)
: (
Edit: 8 February 2009
message from the 24 / 7 news ticker of (7th January 12:22)
fires in South Australia
Sydney (dpa) - Fires in the south, floods in the North East: In Australia, tens of thousands of volunteers to fight against the devastating effects of weather extremes. High winds and record heat numerous times, often set by arsonists forest and brush fires at. At least 30 houses went up in flames. Two people were injured. The wind drove the smoke also has Australia's largest city Sydney. There, temperatures of more than 40 degrees - a record heat. In the northeast, however, make flooding people's lives difficult.
smoke from yesterday we have seen nothing.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Pattycakeonline Gallery
After what I have on Friday are experienced had Tom and Allyson moved to the Blue Mountains to spend the weekend there, our weekend was rather chill out and watch DVDs.
On Sunday we wanted to go in the Blue Mountains, however, did not do it so happened, because it had to work for peace.
wanted me to go Hanna and peace on Monday, which was then omitted, however, as wiedermal work was going on between them and the nunmal.
the weekend, there was now news that the other 3 will leave Sydney to push forward in other areas where there are properly working.
is therefore sought throughout Australia since the week.
then I will stay here and may peace take Izy's position in what I am very glad because I see myself with Izy sharp and I have to work so even the 2 months, until I'm away from Sydney.
I on Monday Frie took's work with Izy that had to do well so that I had learned on Sunday that I continue to work, unfortunately, can not want to because of the longer manage someone for a period of time than just 2 months and already someone has found, will make it seem to September.
So I met up in the morning with Izy and further acknowledged the rest of furniture when it was the work of peace and Izys's for Saturday and Sunday left.
The house was like peace had declared me totally dirty, dusty and cobwebs and see with all agreed even exactly, because I think peace has certainly caught the far more serious part. One would
the house can still be closed in this state and then can take it in 20 years as a horror film set, although it would have been for very small.
On Monday evening there was still a few movies, such as bedtimestories, Pineapple Express, Young People Fucking (more like a comedy with documentary character of the love lives of various Paarkonstelationen, not what you think again).
The Tuesday was more quiet then I was in town and I bought postcards and food and then I have done nothing except rumgelegen and other films looked.
In the evening we went to Hannes Tom and the gaff.
peace had taken care of the car and much else done, as I have noticed today, however, was not always smooth everything went, things were more expensive than expected, the car did not jump on, etc. In the end he could not even be more unused subway ticket and then stepped back against a wall, that he was bruised foot and has brought anything like that. So I woke
this morning at 7 clock on by peace's call and took over for him to work. After 3 h
was done and the move already.
After that I was briefly in the hostel, Hannah, peace and I looked even more "The Orphanage" and then it went for me again in the WG to rumzusurfen there in the Inet and to do nothing, actually, I could write the postcards, or doing laundry, but oh well I do not feel like grad.
But well there is plenty to discover what one can sit here at the Asian culture, but by and not do much. South Koreans have so
2 age calculations.
International, which our age from our birth and one's own South Korea, where one is born with a year and so I would not, for example 19 but already 20th Furthermore, Asians really eat
only rice, which I've already updated at least as far as lunch, but even a hot meal for breakfast and often in the form of rice but then blasted the frame.
I received today from Richard the Vietnamese food at something that was kind of more like a candy, but also a bit rice, it was involved somehow green and tough as Turkish Delight. But somehow cool. These were a specialty of his home, which he had received a package from his parents because he has birthday tomorrow.
The Chinese film culture is also under all it's no wonder that nowhere really Chinese films will be shown, as the technology is seemingly centuries behind the modern Western world and it's all about just about any fights that are staged quite bad. Otherwise
can continue to monitor because are many Asians live in this house that it is normal for the Asians that the man with the handbag of the woman that I personally absolutely ridiculous looking, find, and against the principles of conflicts, the women have infinitely many handbags and this partly in color on their clothes fails to vote, because why should they have so many bags and even color-coordinate, if they wear them but not at all when they go out with her boyfriend.
morning then it goes back to work for peace, as long as his foot back in order, which is certainly all hope is strong, and hopefully also the case on Saturday and then says goodbye. (