Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pattycakeonline Gallery

An early goodbye.

After what I have on Friday are experienced had Tom and Allyson moved to the Blue Mountains to spend the weekend there, our weekend was rather chill out and watch DVDs.
On Sunday we wanted to go in the Blue Mountains, however, did not do it so happened, because it had to work for peace.
wanted me to go Hanna and peace on Monday, which was then omitted, however, as wiedermal work was going on between them and the nunmal.

the weekend, there was now news that the other 3 will leave Sydney to push forward in other areas where there are properly working.
is therefore sought throughout Australia since the week.
then I will stay here and may peace take Izy's position in what I am very glad because I see myself with Izy sharp and I have to work so even the 2 months, until I'm away from Sydney.

I on Monday Frie took's work with Izy that had to do well so that I had learned on Sunday that I continue to work, unfortunately, can not want to because of the longer manage someone for a period of time than just 2 months and already someone has found, will make it seem to September.
So I met up in the morning with Izy and further acknowledged the rest of furniture when it was the work of peace and Izys's for Saturday and Sunday left.
The house was like peace had declared me totally dirty, dusty and cobwebs and see with all agreed even exactly, because I think peace has certainly caught the far more serious part. One would
the house can still be closed in this state and then can take it in 20 years as a horror film set, although it would have been for very small.

On Monday evening there was still a few movies, such as bedtimestories, Pineapple Express, Young People Fucking (more like a comedy with documentary character of the love lives of various Paarkonstelationen, not what you think again).
The Tuesday was more quiet then I was in town and I bought postcards and food and then I have done nothing except rumgelegen and other films looked.
In the evening we went to Hannes Tom and the gaff.
peace had taken care of the car and much else done, as I have noticed today, however, was not always smooth everything went, things were more expensive than expected, the car did not jump on, etc. In the end he could not even be more unused subway ticket and then stepped back against a wall, that he was bruised foot and has brought anything like that. So I woke

this morning at 7 clock on by peace's call and took over for him to work. After 3 h
was done and the move already.
After that I was briefly in the hostel, Hannah, peace and I looked even more "The Orphanage" and then it went for me again in the WG to rumzusurfen there in the Inet and to do nothing, actually, I could write the postcards, or doing laundry, but oh well I do not feel like grad.

But well there is plenty to discover what one can sit here at the Asian culture, but by and not do much. South Koreans have so
2 age calculations.
International, which our age from our birth and one's own South Korea, where one is born with a year and so I would not, for example 19 but already 20th Furthermore, Asians really eat
only rice, which I've already updated at least as far as lunch, but even a hot meal for breakfast and often in the form of rice but then blasted the frame.
I received today from Richard the Vietnamese food at something that was kind of more like a candy, but also a bit rice, it was involved somehow green and tough as Turkish Delight. But somehow cool. These were a specialty of his home, which he had received a package from his parents because he has birthday tomorrow.
The Chinese film culture is also under all it's no wonder that nowhere really Chinese films will be shown, as the technology is seemingly centuries behind the modern Western world and it's all about just about any fights that are staged quite bad. Otherwise

can continue to monitor because are many Asians live in this house that it is normal for the Asians that the man with the handbag of the woman that I personally absolutely ridiculous looking, find, and against the principles of conflicts, the women have infinitely many handbags and this partly in color on their clothes fails to vote, because why should they have so many bags and even color-coordinate, if they wear them but not at all when they go out with her boyfriend.

morning then it goes back to work for peace, as long as his foot back in order, which is certainly all hope is strong, and hopefully also the case on Saturday and then says goodbye. (


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